Tuesday, 22 March 2016

The Much Needed Conversation

When and where?

Was the reply I was met with to the message I sent out, I looked over at Emily and she shrugged. “I can leave the house if needed, I’m sure Nate will be more than happy to see me.”


“If they’re free.” I nodded.


20 minutes?

“They can be here in 20 minutes.” I placed my phone back down and looked at my best friend.

“Then I will go get ready and leave, everything will be fine Tay.” She squeezed my arm before getting up and leaving me alone with my thoughts.

20 minutes later there was a knock on the door and I took a deep breath before standing up and going to answer it. I opened it and wasn’t even given the chance to speak.

“What is he doing here?” both Jake and Dom questioned, both clearly annoyed at each other still. I frowned at them, I couldn’t believe those two still weren’t talking.

“I need to talk to both of you, I feel like this conversation needs to be done with the both of you at the same time. If you two can’t put aside whatever anger you have towards each other, then leave right now. But think about this, if you leave I’m done with you.” I spoke sternly and they both nodded but neither moved.

I stepped aside and motioned for them to enter the house and I led them towards the living room where I had been set up for the last week because I nothing better to do than binge watch Netflix because Emily had confiscation my laptop not allowing me to do any work.

“Let’s get one thing straight right now, I don’t care what you two fight and say between each other because in the end I’m the one that decides what I want. I hate that I’ve come between the two of you, you shouldn’t be mad at each other for it. We don’t know who hit me, let’s just move on because I’ve never been one to easily push people away since I have no family left. Agreed?”

They both mumbled a response but it seems like they agreed either way, “anything you would like to say?”

“What’s going to happen now?” Jake questioned and I took a deep breath.

“What’s going to happen now is I continue to figure out what I want, except this time there is no secrets. I have no idea what I want but I also know that Jake you and I deserve to see if we can get past our issues and I deserve to give Dom a shot.”

“So what we get three days a week each and the last one is a you day?” Jake snapped and I sent him a glare.

“Don’t Jake, I could just as easily kick you out.” I growled at him and it was then the hurt and anger washed over his face and I wanted to kick myself for hurting him like that. “I’m sorry, this is all new to me okay. I don’t know what to do but I know secrets make things worse, I ended up in hospital because of one and that was not telling you that Dom was interested in me and I was giving him a shot.”

I hated lying to Jake, I knew there would come a day where both Dom and I would have to be upfront about everything. I knew it, maybe if I did decide to stay with Jake I would come clean. Maybe him knowing the truth will prevent me from falling into old habits with Dom and causing another round of regret.

“So we just talk and hang out like we’ve been doing, while planning dates for every now and then?” Dom questioned and I nodded.

“Yes but we’ve all been friends for years, our friends are friends. We can’t just stop hanging out because of it, Penny and Sarah left me alone with Dom that night because they missed the guys. They went to catch up with the guys and everything was blown out of proportion from there.” I ended up getting out of the girls as to why they left me alone with Dom, I still hadn’t found out exactly what we spoke about yet but that was another conversation I was itching to have.

“Speaking of you and Dom, what is really going on there?” Jake questioned, I noticed the glare he sent his so called best friend I narrowed my eyes in response which caused him to be apologetic.

“As I said, we were drunk one night. Dom and I have always been close, you know this. How is it hard to believe I went to him when Emily was out one night, it ended up with us being drunk. It was then he told me how he felt.” I looked over at Dom, hoping more than anything he hadn’t said anything to Jake but the fact that they were being cold to each other made me believe otherwise.

It meant Dom and I could stick to this story, we could sit down and work on it properly and make sure we didn’t fuck it up.

“Dom?” Jake turned and looked at him, actually speaking to him since they arrived, there was a part of me that believed the first time since that night.

“It’s true Jake, I tried to tell you that night you were drunk and overreacting.”

“But I love her, how could you do that to me.”

“And I loved her first, I was in love with her when I let her walk away from me and you knew that. You were the one picking up the pieces and making sure my drunk ass didn’t get fired, but yet you still went home with her when you first met her. You knew exactly who she was but couldn’t help yourself.” I stared at Dom, trying to control my breathing. I knew another panic attack wouldn’t be good right now.

“Just so you know Dom, he didn’t come home with me, he just walked me home. He had to work hard to get my attention, just like you did.” I finally spoke, hoping to ease some of the anger that was housed between these two.

It was now I realised how it all started, Dom was peeved that Jake so easily got in my pants when Dom had to work damn hard for it. But truth was, most guys I’ve dated had to work damn hard for it. The only time they didn’t was in college when I spent a lot of my time drunk because it was something my friends and I did.

“You made me believe….” Dom stared at Jake before looking at me and I just shrugged. Dom and I never spoke about that night, I never thought anything of it but now, maybe it was because Dom was hurting about it.

“Tay was the only girl you couldn’t get to sleep with you on the first date, it pissed you off. I had no idea what was going to happen between the two of us, I just wanted a one up on you. I didn’t have her number and it took her three weeks to message me by that point I assumed she wasn’t interested in me anymore.” Jake spoke and a sly grin appeared on Dom’s face and I knew why.

“I had her message me in under two,” Dom spoke, clearly proud of his achievement and I shook my head at his actions. I always knew they were competitive and to say I wasn’t worried how it was going to go between the two of them now didn’t terrify me, I would be lying.

“Now that we’ve got it sorted I’m not a slut and I love playing hard to get, are you two going to start talking to each other and be friends again. For god sake, both of your works are intertwined with each other’s.”

“Speaking of work, I have a client meeting I have to get too. I will talk to you later Tay.” Jake got up and kissed my cheek before leaving, not even saying anything about leaving me alone with Dom.

Who knew one conversation between the three of us would fix their friendship, or were they that close that girl couldn’t break them apart.

Front door closed and I locked eyes with Dom, did I have the courage to have this conversation?


  1. Ew. This whole situation is creepy and gross.

    1. Agreed. First of all, Taylor is acting like one of the guys deliberately hit her, which was absolutely not the case. She was the one who walked into the middle of a fight, so here injury was collateral damage and unintentional. She needs to stop acting like the victim of an intentional attack.

      Secondly, and most importantly, Taylor is elevating her importance to insane levels. The way she is acting like a prize is disgusting and desperate. She clearly loves playing these guys and is hopefully in for a rude awakening when they repair their friendship and dump her ass for more deserving women.

      The best outcome for all parties involved is to part ways and start fresh. As self absorbed and full of herself as Taylor is, she also deserves better.

    2. I 100000000000000000% agree with everything you said ^. It's like you were in my mind. lol. Taylor is acting like a self-righteous idiot. I was really rooting for her to pick Dom (because OBVI there is no hope to SERIOUSLY repair things with Jake... and why the F would you even want to!? ugh. messed up) but I really just think they should all split ways because Taylor is obviously not able to handle all the drama.

    3. Jumping in here late, but I hope I'm not the only one who questions why she would EVER consider working things out with Jake; the man who wasn't making her happy in their relationship and who, subsequently, was f*cking around on her every chance he got. WHO in their right mind would go back to that???

  2. If you know you are not ready for a relationship why get into one and still cheat and liar. I was dying inside for my cheating wife , i had no prove, no one to run to. Everyone thought i was paranoid. until i was referred to a Private Investigator  Mr James . I told him about my situation and He understood me well and helped me spy on my wife.He hacked my wifes Gmail and Facebook account and linked all her WhatsApp and phone conversation to me, to find out the truth.I saw all the evidence and i was heart Broken,I just want to openly say thank you to James for helping me get evidence against her,i feel so hurt. If you need help please contact him Mr James (Worldcyberhackers@gmail.com) via Email. 
